Brookings traveled to Yankton on Saturday, Feb. 5 to compete in the Central Forensics Conference #3. As the conference is disbanding after this year, this was the last CFC contest ever. Brookings took home first place sweeps in all 3 categories: Debate, Speech, and Combined Placing for Brookings: Interp: Nana Yaa Dwomoh -- 3rd Drama Amelia Casper -- 4th POI Speech: Aditya Tummala -- 4th Inform Alexander Stafford -- 2nd Novice Extemp Emily Hua -- 2nd Varsity Oratory Congress: Albert Shore -- 1st Congress Joshua Park -- 3rd Congress Sampada Nepal -- 4th Congress Nancy Yang -- 5th Congress Elijah Manzer -- 6th Congress Debate: Hua/Nepal -- 2nd Public Forum Tummala/Manzer -- 3rd Public Forum Shore/Shore -- 4th Public Forum Trisha Sharan -- 1st Lincoln Douglas Xander Hof -- 3rd Lincoln Douglas