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Middle School Kick-off

  On Tuesday, Feb. 8, members of the interp and debate team presented to students at the Brookings Middle School as a kick-off to their middle school interp season. They presented students with information about the speech classes that they can register for as 9th graders. 
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Rushmore Challenge

  The bobcats jumped on the bus and headed to Harrisburg for the last regular-season contest of the year on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11-12.  Placing for Brookings:  Interp:  Livermont/Doom -- 5th Duo Tyler Livermont -- 3rd Humor Speech:  Aditya Tummala -- 4th Foeign Extemp Debate:  Tummala/Manzer -- 1st Public Forum  

Apple Valley Minniapple

  On Saturday, Feb. 5, members of the interp team traveled to Apple Valley to participate in the Minniapple tournament.  This is by far the largest tournament that we see in a year, with events having over 50 entries per division.  Those participating gained a ton of experience and great feedback to help them as they prepare for the qualifier.  A huge shout-out goes to Olivia Anderson who was a semi-finalist in humor. 

CFC #3

  Brookings traveled to Yankton on Saturday, Feb. 5 to compete in the Central Forensics Conference #3.  As the conference is disbanding after this year, this was the last CFC contest ever.   Brookings took home first place sweeps in all 3 categories: Debate, Speech, and Combined Placing for Brookings:  Interp: Nana Yaa Dwomoh -- 3rd Drama Amelia Casper -- 4th POI Speech:  Aditya Tummala -- 4th Inform Alexander Stafford -- 2nd Novice Extemp Emily Hua -- 2nd Varsity Oratory Congress:  Albert Shore -- 1st Congress Joshua Park -- 3rd Congress Sampada Nepal -- 4th Congress Nancy Yang -- 5th Congress Elijah Manzer -- 6th Congress Debate:  Hua/Nepal -- 2nd Public Forum Tummala/Manzer -- 3rd Public Forum Shore/Shore -- 4th Public Forum Trisha Sharan -- 1st Lincoln Douglas Xander Hof -- 3rd Lincoln Douglas

Yankton Lewis & Clark

The bobcats traveled to Yankton on January 28 and 29th to compete in the Lewis and Clark Invitational.   Interp:  Grace Davis - 3rd Drama Livermont/Doom -4th Duo Olivia Anderson - 1st Humor, 2nd POI Lillie Foster - 3rd Humor Nic Schran - 3rd POI Speech: Nancy Yang - 3rd Novice Oratory Congress:  Aditya Tummala - 1st Friday Emily Hua - 2nd Friday Albert Shore - 3rd Friday Sampada Nepal - 5th Friday Nancy Yang - 2nd Saturday Debate: Shore/Shore - 2nd Varsity Public Forum Hua/Nepal - 3rd Varsity Public Forum 

Watertown Speech Fiesta

Friday and Saturday, January 21-22 saw a fiesta on the frozen tundra.  That is, the Bobcats traveled to Watertown for the annual Speech Fiesta.   Interp:  Olivia Anderson -- 1st Humorous Tyler Livermont -- 3rd Humorous Hilmoe/Kuebler -- 1st Novice Duo Speech:  Aditya Tummala -- 3rd International Extemp Nancy Yang -- 5th Novice Oratory Congress:  Albert Shore -- 2nd Friday Congress Debate:   Shore/Shore -- 3rd JV Public Forum

Central Forensics Conference #2

  The Bobcats started their conference series on Jan. 8 at Lennox High School.  The first tournament in the set of 3 was cancelled due to winter weather.  Interp:  Olivia Anderson -- 1st Program Oral Interp Poppen/Casper -- 3rd Duo Interp Speech:  Emily Hua -- 3rd Varsity Oratory Aditya Tummala -- 1st Varsity Extemp Emily Hua -- 4th Varsity Extemp Alex Shore -- 1st Novice Extemp Aditya Tummala -- 1st Informative  Congress:  Will Hummel -- 1st Varsity Congress Albert Shore -- 1st Varsity Congress Debate:  Shore/Shore -- 2nd Varsity Public Forum Ting/Hummel -- 4th Varsity Public Forum Hua/Nepal -- 3rd Varsity Public Forum Ting/Nyawanda -- 1st Novice Public Forum Xander Hof -- 4th Varsity Lincoln-Douglas